The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
94 • T he e vangel d ean s Chool : d evelopIng W Isdom , C onvICTIon , and p erspeCTIve In C hurCh p lanT T eams
II. They did it “ In Spite Of ” (They faced ominous threats )
We Can Do It?! The Viability of Church Planting in America , continued
A. Hostile persecution from a “sister” religion, Acts 9.23-25; 23.12; 25.3
B. Pluralistic, idolatrous, and immoral cultural environment, Acts 17.16ff; 19.23ff., 1 Peter 4.3-6
C. Bizarre, appealing philosophic alternatives, (e.g., Gnosticism, Col. 2.16-23)
D. Intimidation and murder of their leaders, Acts 5.17ff., 7.54ff., 12.1ff.
E. Rivalry and immaturity among some of their supporters, 1 Cor. 3.1-4
F. Legacy of racial, cultural, and class hatred and animosity, Rom. 10-11
G. Workers converted from pagan religions and “bad backgrounds,” 1 Cor. 6.9-11
III. They did it “ Because Of ” (They were empowered by the Spirit of the Living God )
The Principle of the Sufficiency of God’s Provision
God never calls men and women to advance His Kingdom in any missionary enterprise without providing them, through His own Holy Spirit, the willingness, gifting, opportunity, and ability to carry it out. The authenticity of the call guarantees the sufficiency of God’s provision.
Its Implication for Our Ministry Today
If we will surrender to the leading of His Holy Spirit, God will enable our present staff and disciples in the city to discover and utilize His gifts and presence among us. He will call us, equip us, empower us, and lead us in every dimension of our church-planting efforts. In those areas where we are lacking, He will through His Spirit provide each city with the new gifts, new people, new partnerships and all other resources to accomplish our missionary task. In the face of real threat, the Holy Spirit of God will protect and guide us to advance His kingdom with honor and integrity--we can do it!
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