The Most Amazing Story Ever Told
The Most Amazing Story Ever Told
The Triune God Covenants to Save His Creation Thanks be to God! This horrible condition of human- kind would not have the last word. Based purely on his eternal love and compassion, this great triune God covenanted to send a divine warrior for the sake of creation’s and humankind’s rescue. This “seed of the woman” would overthrow the “seed of the serpent” (Satan), and ultimately defeat all the powers that harmed God’s good creation. This seed, this Deliverer, would crush the skull of the serpent who deceived the first human pair, and bring lasting eternal remedy to the chaos and curse plaguing the universe. The price of redemption, though, would be high: the One to come would also be bruised by the serpent, upon the warrior’s heel. Through his oversight and sovereign will, through his covenants and divine leading, God entered as an actor into human history. Rather than merely telling the Story, our God became its central Actor and main Hero: he himself determined by direct participation to make an end of sin, destroy the serpent, restore creation, and draw out of the earth a people for his own possession. And so, God made a covenant with Abraham, and ratcheted down the physical lineage of the Seed to come. He renewed the covenant with Abraham’s son, Isaac, and then established which tribe in the earth
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