The Most Amazing Story Ever Told

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

the Redeemer would be born into. He renewed the covenant with Jacob, Isaac’s son, and delivered the nation of Israel, Jacob’s heirs, from Egypt. Through mighty miracles and awesome signs, the Lord through Moses rescued his great nation from Pharaoh at the Exodus. Through Joshua he brought them into his Promised Land, and through the judges he delivered his people from their enemies. He elected Jesse’s son, the young David, to be champion over Goliath, and through him established the lineage of the King, the one destined to rule forever in God’s restored Kingdom. Despite all of God’s awesome miracles and mighty wonders, tragically, his people still rebelled foolishly against him. They oppressed their neighbors, disobeyed his covenants, and worshiped false gods. Despite numerous warnings given through the prophets, they persisted in their idolatry and sin, and ultimately were taken into exile (i.e., the northern tribes into Assyria, and the southern tribes into Babylon). Though they deserved his just judgment, our God refused to forget his promise to their fathers. He would keep his word in the Garden, to Abraham, to Moses, and to David. In his mercy and covenant faithfulness, he would bring from exile a remnant of his people – to


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