The Pursuit of God


The Pursuit of God

Discussion Questions

Capitalism and naturalistic evolution, two of the most powerful ideologies shaping Western contemporary culture, both affirm individual

self-interest and “the survival of the fittest.” How is Tozer’s vision a strong countercultural alternative to these ideologies?

Tozer describes faith as “the [continuous] gaze of a soul upon a saving God.” How does such an understanding go beyond conventional views of faith? What are some potential spiritual benefits of refram ing faith this way?

Inward beholding always “looks out instead of in.” The result, says Tozer, is that “the whole life falls into line.” Discuss the transforming

potential of such a self-forgetful orientation to life. Are you drawn emotionally to the suggestion that the reciprocating gaze between God and the attentive believer is a relational foretaste of heaven? Explain.

Such inward gazing, says Tozer, can be done anytime and anywhere, and by ordinary Christians. But obviously, Christians still need

to give their full attention to their employment and tasks at work. Discuss how such inward gazing is less a mental technique and more a tone and disposition to be sustained throughout the day.

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