The Pursuit of God
S a c r e d R o o t s S p i r i t u a l C l a s s i c s
When I first read The Pursuit of God as a green Bible college student, I was in over my head. Now decades later, when I read it again as a seasoned Christian leader, I was in over my heart. It has incited in me a deeper, heartfelt longing fused with a wider, acute understanding of what it means to cultivate intimacy with God and experience his manifest Presence. As editor of this Sacred Roots Spiritual Classic, Dr. Glen
Scorgie is an astute guide who interprets and applies Tozer for twenty first century readers. His introduction, Scripture updates, footnotes, end-of-chapter discussion questions (especially useful for small groups), and afterword will fuel your pursuit of God. Following Dr. Scorgie’s advice, I intend to practice recollection—reviewing what I read and inviting the Holy Spirit to incorporate it into my life. I highly recommend this classic! ~ Roger Helland, DMin,
Prayer Ambassador, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Author of Pursuing God’s Presence and The Devout Life
Glen G. Scorgie (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is Professor Emeritus of Theology at Bethel Seminary. He is the general editor of the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality (2011) and for the past quarter century has been involved in the ministries of a Chinese church in San Diego, California. He had a personal childhood connection to A. W. Tozer.
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