The Pursuit of God
Chapter 8: Meekness and Rest in the Sacrament of Living
Discussion Questions
Many in our society value strength and achieve ment and admire people who assert themselves powerfully. By contrast, the notion of meekness
can seem weak and timid. How would you explain the bib lical virtue of meekness to someone who assumes that it only makes people passive and ineffective?
What is the actual burden from which the cul tivation of biblical meekness offers release and soul rest? What form does this burden some times take in your life? How is biblical meekness different from becoming irresponsible?
What is the best cure for those deep-seated feelings of shame that so often drive our need for achievement, for success, and for recognition,
even in ministry?
Tozer mentions the familiar notion of a sacred secular divide. He believes it is based upon a serious misunderstanding which, if left
uncorrected, will artificially narrow the scope of our service to the Lord. What more mundane aspects of your life could you reframe as acts of sacred service?
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