The Pursuit of God
The Pursuit of God
Step 2: Settle. Check your brain, chest, stomach, jaw, and any other places your body manifests stress. Speak scriptural truth to these specific places in your body. Allow core Scriptures to form your core self and transform you into greater conformity to Christ (Ps 131:2). Like Tozer, shift “interest from the seen to the unseen.” 16 One tool to help identity what is going on inside of us is a “body scan.” A body scan is when we consciously think about each part of our body and what we are experiencing in it. The psalmists were experts at body scans. Another tool is RULER, developed by Marc Brackett. 17 RULER stands for Recognize, Understand, Label, Express, and Regulate. Naming our emotions using the first three steps of RULER can be especially helpful in settling our bodies. Once aware of what is taking place in our bodies, we are ready to invite Jesus to speak his peace to those parts of our bodies where stress or negative emotions are present (Matt 11:28–30; John14:27). Imagine Jesus layinghishands on your head, on your chest, or wherever you feel worried or stuck. Imagine Jesus speaking the word, “Peace,” to that place. Pause and be still (Ps 46:10). Step 3: Speak. Tell God your needs (Phil 4:6–7). Do not try listing all your problems, but express just a few main worries. Release your needs to God, who provides for all our needs (Matt 6:25–34). Give your stressors, needs, and worries over to God because he cares for you (1 Pet 5:7).
16 Page 69. 17 Marc Brackett, Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success (New York: Celadon, 2020).
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