The Pursuit of God

Resources for Application


as defined by the Lausanne Movement). 27 More than fourteen hundred spiritual classics were reviewed from some fifty collections and anthologies in preparation for this series. The sixteen spiritual classics selected in conversation with over one hundred evangelical theological educators and practitioners are especially aimed at helping Christian leaders with soul work and soul care. A list of the sixteen spiritual classics in this series can be found at the end of the book. More resources for the study of Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics can be found at We pray your exploration of contemplative prayer and reading of spiritual classics will be fruitful, leading to greater faithfulness and flourishing in your walk with God and neighbors. Remember to start small and build slowly. With contemplative prayer, begin with five or ten minutes a day. With the spiritual classics, begin to build up your own group of “teachers”: spiritual classics that have been especially helpful to you in increasing your love and passion for the Lord. Read and reread your favorites and slowly add to them over time. It is far better to have one or two that have truly helped you than a list of twenty-five that have failed to impact your love for God. May the Holy Spirit guide and bless you as you pursue the love of Christ and the joy of the Father in the practice of contemplative prayer and the reading of spiritual classics. Additional Resources Bockmuehl, Klaus. A Religion of Books: God’s Tools in the History of Salvation . Special ed. Moscow, ID: Community Christian Ministries, 2020.

27 For more information, visit

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