The Pursuit of God
Chapter 1: Following Hard after God
Discussion Questions
Back in his day, Tozer detected a growing hunger for God amongst some Christians. Do you detect a similar interest in authentic Christian spirituality today? If so, can you give some examples?
What is lacking when a church only teaches biblical truths?What is it that many Christians are still hungering for?
What do you think is most required to make Christians shift from passive indifference to the pursuit of God toward a more intense commitment to it? What triggers such “holy desire”?
Tozer suggests that Christians in the 1940s were often so preoccupied with operating church programs that they had little time or energy left to
devote to their relationship with God. Is this still true today? How might we create more space for God in our lives, while still fulfilling our duties to the church and to others?
In this chapter, Tozer calls for greater simplicity in our lives so that we can devote ourselves to the most important things without so many distractions. What could we afford to do less? How might we simplify our current way of “doing life”?
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