The Pursuit of God


The Pursuit of God

Discussion Questions

Advertisers often view people primarily as potential consumers. Evidently, their efforts are effective, for many people soon learn to value

material possessions andfinancial resourcesveryhighly.What are some of the dangers of endless human consumption?

Holding our possessions lightly is a lifelong discipline. Why should this be such an import ant (essential?) prerequisite to close fellowship

with God?

Tozer detects a “possessive spirit” embedded deep in human nature. What inward needs do you think may be driving our preoccupation

with acquiring more and better stuff? Are there any inner fears that might possibly be motivating this behavior? If so, try to name them.

The story of Abraham about to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice is deeply disturbing. What should be our practical takeaway from this troubling tale, especially if we view the story also as a pattern for what each of us needs to experience?

What habits can we develop to guard against “unjustly ruling” or viewing ourselves as superior to those under our care?

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