The Pursuit of God


The Pursuit of God

they are careful not to do. Their ideas are brain-deep, not life-deep. Wherever life touches them they repudiate their theories and live like other people. Christians are too sincere to play with ideas for their own sake. They take no pleasure in the mere spinning of gossamer 3 webs for display. All their beliefs are practical. They are geared into their life. By them they live or die, stand or fall for this world and for all time to come. From the insincere person they turn away. Sincere plain people know that the world is real. They find it here when they wake to consciousness, and they know that they did not think it into being. It was here waiting for them when they came, and they know that when they prepare to leave this earthly scene it will be here still to bid them goodbye as they depart. By the deep wisdom of life, they are wiser than a thousand human beings who doubt. They stand upon the earth and feel the wind and rain in their face and they know that these things are real. They see the sun by day and the stars by night. They see the hot lightning play out of the dark thundercloud. They hear the sounds of nature and the cries of human joy and pain. These they know are real. They lie down on the cool earth at night and have no fear that it will prove illusory or fail them while they sleep. In the morning the firm ground will be under them, the blue sky above them and the rocks and trees around them as when they closed their eyes the night before. So, they live and rejoice in a world of reality. With their five senses they engage this real world. All things necessary to their physical existence they apprehend by the faculties with which they have been equipped by the

3 Gossamer – Thin, delicate, sheer.

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