The Pursuit of God
Chapter 4: Apprehending God the Universal Presence
Prayer O God, awaken to life every power within me, that I may lay hold on eternal things. Open my eyes that I may see; give me acute spiritual perception; enable me to taste you and know that you are good. Make heaven more real to me than any earthly thing has ever been. Amen.
The Universal Presence
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? ~ Psalm 139:7
In all Christian teaching certain basic truths are found, hidden at times, and rather assumed than asserted, but necessary to all truth as the primary colors are found in and necessary to the finished painting. Such a truth is the divine immanence. 8 God dwells in his creation and is everywhere fully present in all his works. This is boldly taught by prophet and apostle and is accepted by Christian theology generally. That is, it appears in the books, but for some reason it has not sunk into the average Christian’s heart so as to become a part of their believing self. Christian teachers shy away from its full implications, and, if they mention it at all, mute it down till it has little meaning. I would guess the reason for
8 Divine Immanence – The doctrine that God is here, everywhere present and near.
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