The Pursuit of God
Chapter 4: Apprehending God the Universal Presence
Discussion Questions
The modern worldview has little regard for the unseen spiritual dimension of reality. Christians must not ignore this spiritual reality, but instead
give it priority. And so, Tozer declares, “We must seek to be otherworldly.” Describe a right understanding of such otherworldliness, and also an improper understanding of it that we need to avoid.
God, says Tozer, must be more to us than a mere logical inference from evidence. He must also be apprehended through direct personal expe
rience. However, some Christians feel nervous whenever the subject of lived Christian experience comes up. Why do you think this is? Might their concern be justified, at least in some instances? And if so, what might be the best way to address such concern?
One of the secrets to a strong Christian life, says Tozer, is to reckon on the reality of the unseen dimension of our existence, and on
the reality of God’s presence in the midst of it all. How is such reckoning (or considering, in many newer Bible translations) different from merely making stuff up?
Receptivity to God, says Tozer, “may be increased by exercise or destroyed by neglect.” What practical steps may you need to take to
cultivate and increase your own receptivity to God?
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