The Pursuit of God


The Pursuit of God

Discussion Questions

What are the characteristics of contemporary life that make it challenging to hear God’s speaking voice?

God, who is everywhere a present reality, is also continuously articulate. He is here, and he is not silent. His communications are not restricted to

words conveyed long ago, for his voice is alive and in the present tense. How should this truth affect our reverent approach to Holy Scripture?

God is continually speaking, not only to Christians, but indeed to all his human creatures. How should this fact shape our evangelistic

endeavors and conversations with non-Christians?

Tozer suggests that Christians must learn the unfamiliar discipline of listening for God’s voice, of being still in order to know. What are some practical strategies we might adopt in order to become more attentive listeners?

One of the great challenges of the Christian life is to be able to discern the authentic voice of God amid all the noise and impressions we

receive. Tozer reminds us that the Old Testament saints often recognized God’s voice as a voice of wisdom. He adds that the voice of God is typically a “friendly” one. How might these two insights aid us in our discernment?

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