The Sovereign Love of God

E astertide : T he R esurrection of C hrist


For YourWeekly Journey

Weekly Reflection on the Sovereign Love of God Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after Holy Week and joyfully affirms the resurrection of Christ (John 20). On Easter Sunday we celebrate our Lord’s rising from the dead. On the third day after his crucifixion, our Lord was raised from the dead in power and glory, verifying his identity as the Messiah of God, and confirming the complete victory won over sin, evil, and the devil on the Cross. He who was betrayed by his own disciple, crucified on a Roman Cross, and buried in a borrowed tomb, rose triumphantly fromdeath to life through the power of God. “Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

~ Don L. Davis, Sacred Roots: A Primer on the Great Tradition. Wichita: TUMI Press, 2010. Loc. 1643, Kindle.

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