The Sovereign Love of God
T he S eason after P entecost
of God’s calendar, we acknowledge and recognize Jesus’ place in the universe. Given all authority in heaven and on earth, he now commands his people to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28.18-19). Because our Lord is alive and exalted, we are empowered to accomplish his mandate of world evangelization, and serve as his ambassadors around the globe where people and nations still do not know him to be the Lord and Savior of the world. During this Season after Pentecost we extol him who has been given a name above every name, the same name that all tongues one day will confess and all knees one day will be made to bow to. Truly, Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father (Phil. 2.9-11). According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus Christ must reign until God has put all of his enemies under his feet (cf. 15.25). As he whom God has exalted, Christ ever lives now to make intercession for his own (Heb. 7.25). As he whom God has honored, he alone is the head over all things to his people, leading and directing them as the Shepherd of their souls (1 Pet. 2.25). As he whom God has granted authority over all things, Jesus alone can provide for us the grace and strength to endure all that this world and its prince may do to thwart God’s will (1 John 4.4). Those of us committed to advancing the Kingdom of God in the cities of the world need to remind ourselves that things are not as they appear. On every hand God seems to be ignorant of the chaos around us, or worse, impotent to change the affairs in a world that seems to daily spin more and more out of control. Evil taunts righteousness in numerous societies that flail and wobble towards corruption, coasting without bearing or compass. In the face of such tragedies, let us wor ship God during this Season after Pentecost, and remember his holy Word: Jesus our Lord has been exalted at the Father’s right hand, given a name above all names, and is the head of his people, directing his Church’s affairs as we both show and tell the lost of the Good News of the Kingdom.
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