The Sovereign Love of God
K ingdomtide : A S eason of C hrist ’ s H eadship
In the midst of despair and difficulty, we need never abandon our hope that, in spite of it all, God in Christ Jesus still com mands the universe, and reigns in all the corridors of history. In all things, our Lord Christ alone will have the final say. The Ascension is our opportunity to confess that Christ is risen and exalted, and that God is still on the throne. This is the key to ministry, and this is the key to life. He Must Reign until All His Enemies Are under His Feet It turns out then that our remembrance during Ordinary Time is not that ordinary after all. During this Kingdomtide, let us affirm the truth that spans the centuries and binds all epochs of salvation history together. In Jesus Christ, God intends to rule and reign, and our Lord must now reign until all his enemies are under his feet. As we continue to worship and serve our Lord during this the longest season in the Church’s calendar, let’s remember as believers and congregations that the next season to follow is Advent: the return of the exalted Lord to the earth to complete the work he started on the Cross. Let us strive on toward maturity and multiplication in power of the Holy Spirit as the body of Christ in the world. Join us as believers in Jesus Christ in giving glory to the Father for his exaltation of Christ, and let us strive in all our worship and service to give him the honor and praise he deserves. There is no other name under heaven given for us to be saved, and no other Lord in the universe who will reign and rule as God’s sovereign King forever. Let our knees gladly bow and our tongues joyfully confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. May we advance his kingdom reign in all that we are and say and do during this Season after Pentecost.
Standing in awe of the Risen and Exalted Lord, Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
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