The Sovereign Love of God
T he S eason after P entecost
all you do. Let my life reflect my faith in your heart of integrity, your faithfulness to honor your word to your own. In Jesus’s name, amen. Affirmation for the Day Sunday: God is a God of covenant faithfulness who keeps his promises to his people. Monday: God does not lie; he cannot break his Word or promise to do what he says. Tuesday: God’s faithfulness to his Word is like the steadiness of the laws of nature in their courses. Wednesday: God will never fail to keep his word to Abraham, David, and their offspring. Thursday: Jesus of Nazareth is the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and to David. Friday: As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God will be faithful to his Word. Saturday: All of God’s promises in Christ are “Yes” and “Amen.” Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God will be faithful to his word.
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