The Sovereign Love of God
K ingdomtide : A S eason of C hrist ’ s H eadship
For YourWeekly Journey
Weekly Reflection on the Sovereign Love of God My sincere prayer is that you would allow the Story of God in Christ to transform every dimension of your spiritual life, as you reaffirm it in your theology, rediscover its telling in your worship, retrieve it in your spiritual formation, and retell it in your outreach. The Story of God in Christ, told in the canonical Scriptures and defended in the Church, is the great drama that provides, as Webber suggests, a “counter- imagination” of the world. It is this drama that we live by, that we recite and re-enact, telling every day, every week the tale of divine love and rescue. The Father has authored salvation for us all, accomplished it in his Son, and made it effectual by his Spirit, forming a people who await its final completion.
~ Don L. Davis, Sacred Roots: A Primer on the Great Tradition. Wichita: TUMI Press, 2010. Loc. 1998, Kindle.
Let God Arise! Seasonal Focus Christus Victor: Recapitulation: Christ in the OT, John 5.39
Book Reading Webber, Common Roots
Our Corporate Disciplines Book Discussion: Wednesday, July 7, 2021
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