Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart

Ses s i on 4: The R i penes s of the Har ves t and the Shor tage of Worker s 41

ends of the earth, Acts 1.8. (See The Three-Segment World in the Appendix.)

5. Geo-politically and linguistically : It covers all nations, kindreds, peoples, and tongues who will one day worship Christ, Rev. 7.9-11.

6. Spiritually : It reaches every one of Adam’s condemned race, all who are currently under the power of the prince of the air, Rom. 5; Eph. 2.2; Col. 1.13, 3.5-7.

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The challenge of the Lord’s harvest is its all-inclusiveness, its global universality, and its rich abundance. Untold millions of human beings are without the Lord today, representing every clan, climate, country, and culture on the face of the earth. This harvest is before us every day, representing people from every age, gender, background, and history, all needing Christ, and yet, each one without him. An apostolic heart is known for its utter awareness of this plentiful abundance of human beings who need the Lord, and yet are languishing in unbelief without him.

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C. The difference in mind-set: relational thinking versus terminal thinking

1. Relational thinking:

2. Terminal thinking:

3. What are the results of looking at the harvest field with a relational mind-set?

a. Circle of influence

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