Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart


Vi s i on for Mi s s i on: Nur tur i ng an Apos to l i c Hear t

b. The “Andrew Principle”

c. “ Oikos ” discipleship

d. The “World Christian” movement

4. What are the results of looking at the harvest field with a terminal mind-set?

a. The “hot potato” strategy: voluntary dismissal of the force of the Great Commission, Matt. 28.18-20

b. The “professional Christian” strategy

c. Marriage and family: the evangelical exemption from the harvest field

D. Implications on the harvest field vis-a-vis the apostolic heart

1. Burden to proclaim to every single person on the face of the earth, Col. 1.27ff.

2. Tenderness over the condition of the lost, Acts 17.16-17

3. Creativity to adjust one’s own lifestyle for the sake of winning people right where they are, in their own context, 1 Cor. 9.19-22

4. Desire to go to those who have never heard before, Rom. 15.16-24

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