Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart

Ses s i on 6: The Pas s i on for the Wor l d and the Un i ver sa l i t y of the Ca l l 65

d. Your situation in life ( Sitz im Leben )

3. Your influence in world mission, Phil. 1.20-21

a. Your prayer life

b. Your pocketbook

c. Your personal involvement

d. Your passions

D. Principles regarding the ethnos

1. God cherishes each one.

2. God has a plan to reach each one.

3. God will use those who are prepared to reach those who have yet to be touched.

II. The Purpose of the Apostolic Heart: To See Christ Proclaimed, Glorified, and Worshiped in Every Tribe, Kindred, People, and Nation

A. The Proclamation of Christ to the entire world: the Evangelical purpose

1. Acts 1.8

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