Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart


Vi s i on for Mi s s i on: Nur tur i ng an Apos to l i c Hear t

2. Mark 16.15-16

3. Acts 2.38ff

4. Colossians 1.27-29

5. 2 Corinthians 5.18-21

B. The worship and glorification of Christ: the Doxological purpose

1. God desires all to worship him in Christ, Phil. 2.9-11.

2. All things exist for the ultimate praise and glory of God in Christ.

a. Revelation 4.11

b. 1 Corinthians 10.31

c. Proverbs 16.4

d. 1 Timothy 1.17

e. Romans 11.36

3. The purpose of evangelical ministry: the worship of God, Rev. 15.3-4

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