A Compelling Testimony: Maintaining a Disciplined Walk, Christlike Character, and Godly Relationships as God's Servant

Ses s i on 4: Cu l t i vat i ng Our Commun i on: The I nward Di sc i p l i nes 117

c. Jesus sought to fulfill them, both in experience and teaching, Luke 24.27ff.; 44-48.

3. The Scriptures are referred to by a number of different names in the Bible.

a. The Word, James 1.21-23; 1 Pet. 2.2

b. The Word of God, Luke 11.28; Heb. 4.12

c. The Word of Christ, Col. 3.16

d. The Word of Truth, James 1.18

e. The Holy Scriptures, Rom. 1.2; 2 Tim. 3.15

f. The Scripture of Truth, Dan. 10.21

g. The Book, Ps. 40.7; Rev. 22.19

h. The Book of the Lord, Isa. 34.16

i. The Book of the Law, Neh. 8.3; Gal. 3.10

j. The Law of the Lord, Ps. 1.2; Isa. 30.9

k. The Sword of the Spirit, Eph. 6.17

l. The Oracles of God, Rom. 3.2; 1 Pet. 4.11

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