Generating Kingdom Momentum

94 • G enerating K ingdom M omentum

Translation Partnership Agreement SAMPLE , continued

2. The Translation Partner is responsible to oversee the translation activity. The Translation Partner may hire or engage one or more subcontractors to perform, as they see fit, any of their obligations under this Contract, provided, however, that 1) the Translation Partner shall in all cases remain primarily responsible for all of its obligations under this Contract and 2) the Translation Partner will be responsible to ensure all work done by the subcontractor meets the standards listed within this Contract. 3. The Translation Partner commits to the accurate reproduction of its curricula (i.e., Capstone), adhering strictly to reproducing, without alteration, the substance of its theology, ideas, themes and conclusions. 4. All translators must reproduce the material’s meaning using language, grammar, and concepts which provide, as closely as possible, a dynamic equivalence to the meanings taught in the English TUMI curriculum. 5. The translators must translate the material word-for-word, but users should feel free in presenting the modules in a way to fit the contextual needs of the target audience. Translations must strictly follow the actual language included within the curriculum itself. No edits of the material should be undertaken. Teachers and utilizers of the curriculum should feel free to share from their own experience and context to present, highlight, or adapt the materials in their lessons, but the translation must adhere to the language of the text itself.

6. The Translation Partner will report monthly as to progress on Translation until it is completed.

3. Translated Resource

1. The Translation Partner will provide TUMI with the digital files for each resource prior to final production for review, and incorporate edits as necessary. 2. The Translation Partner will provide final files in both InDesign and PDF formats, and shall not be released for publication without TUMI’s written approval.

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