Jesus Cropped from the Picture
The SLIMming Effect
Conclusion The journey that began in Wichita with Brian, that continued when I heard Belle cry out for freedom from “this provincial life,” came to partial conclusion when I realized the SLIM life is the provincial life . SLIM has produces bored, overbusy, confused, malnourished, distracted, and discouraged Christians in frequent need of therapy, many of whom have left the church in frustration. This should be a warning to every Christian, because the temptation to crop Jesus from the picture is present in every church. For example, any faith tradition can emphasize a doctrine, social issue, project, or controversy which then becomes the newest cause to champion. While there is freedom in Christ to engage any number of important topics, nothing should supplant the Kingdom of God as the primary purpose for which we live. Acknowledgment of the Lordship of Jesus must always take priority over any other concern, as important as each one might be. Despite such temptations, my observation is that Christians do not remain motivated by doctrine, liturgies, causes, the latest fad or seminar, or anything else that can c rop Jesus from the picture . For centuries, believers have been animated by the ancient Story of a King, who rescued his Bride from the clutches of an evil oppressor, and is now working to put that enemy down forever, by empowering his people to be the agency of his own victory.
Through the ages, this existential reality has moved his followers to great heights, giving them a reason to stand up and cheer; to sing his praises; to love, serve, give, and suffer for his sake. Thanks be to
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