Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story
Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y
C. Mature disciples are shaped by a biblical vision .
1. A vision of God, the triune God of the Scriptures, Exod. 34.6-7; Isa. 6.1-3.
2. A vision of Christ, the Son of God, Col. 1.15-17; Heb. 1.1-3.
3. A vision of the Church, the people of God, Heb. 12.22-23; Heb. 12.24-25.
4. A vision for souls, 1 Tim. 2.1-2; 1 Tim. 2.3-4.
5. A vision of the coming glory, Isa. 11.6-8; Isa. 11.9-10.
D. Mature disciples maintain a disciplined walk .
1. They are disciplined in character, 1 Tim. 4.7-9; Eccles. 8.12.
2. They are disciplined in their minds and thought lives, 2 Cor. 10.3-5; Phil. 4.8-9.
3. They are disciplined in their speech and language, 2 Tim. 1.13; James 3.2.
4. They discipline their bodies, 1 Cor. 9.24-25; 1 Cor. 9.26-27.
5. They control and spend wisely their time and money, Ps. 90.12; 1 Tim. 6.6-10.
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