Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story


Mas ter the B i b l e : How to Get and Keep the B i g P i c ture of the B i b l e ’ s Stor y

on our understanding of the critical elements of the Gospel, salvation by faith in Christ, repentance from sin, and adoption into the family of God. We will see how Christ serves as the foundation of the Christian life, and how baptism and membership in a local church are essential to our growth and maturity in Christ.


“No Christ, no church. Know Christ, know church!” Can you think of three verses in the Bible which state that God wants us to believe in Jesus Christ? Can you think of two verses which also say that God intends for us to grow to maturity in Jesus as we fellowship and associate with other Christians in worship, fellowship, teaching, and witness? Finally, can you think of a single verse which highlights the need for us to be under the care and leadership of godly pastors, i.e., elders and deacons who know us well, teach us the Word of God, and lead us by example and instruction? “Every solid journey begins with a good start.” In surveying the landscape of a Christian commitment today, it is clear that many (if not most) did not “start well.” Many believers today attend church only infrequently, and the majority feel they do not experience a connection with God during the worship services they do attend. According to George Barna, half of all believers say they do not feel they have entered God’s presence or have experienced a connection with him during the past year (George Barna, Revolution . Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2005, pp. 32-33)! Based on what you know today, what do you think is the most important thing that Christians can do to ensure that they don’t dry up but maintain their passion and love for Jesus and the Good News? What things must we do at the start of our Christian life to ensure that we both begin and finish strong?

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I. Receiving the Good News of the Gospel of Salvation

A. Defining evangelism and conversion to Christ

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