Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 3: New Beg i nn i ngs i n Chr i s t , Ser i es 1 53

5. The apostles of Christ testify that we become one with God through the Gospel, Gal. 1.8-11; 1 Cor. 15.1-4; Jude 3-4.

6. God has sent his agents to present the Gospel so we can believe.

a. The Holy Spirit of God teaches us about the work of Christ, John 14-16; Acts 1.

b. Preachers teach us about Christ’s work on the Cross, Rom. 10.

7. As those who hear of Jesus’ death and resurrection for us, we are called to repent from our sin and believe the Good News (e.g., the parable of the soils, Matt. 13).

C. What must we do to be saved?: Repentance and Faith, Acts 17.22-31

1. We must repent .

Repentance: metanoia (the movement of the convicted heart, and its commitment to live under new management, the lordship of Jesus Christ)

a. We have a change of mind, Matt. 21.28-29; Luke 15.17-18; Acts 2.38.

b. We have a godly sorrow for sin, Ps. 38.18; Luke 18.9-14.

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