Master the Bible: How to Get and Keep the Big Picture of the Bible's Story

Chapter 3: New Beg i nn i ngs i n Chr i s t , Ser i es 1 55

b. The Word of God is the means of our salvation, James 1.18; 1 Pet. 1.23.

c. The Holy Spirit comes and indwells our hearts, John 3.5-6; Eph. 1.13, 5.26.

2. We are adopted by God and become members of his family!

a. We are adopted and placed into God’s family and Christ’s body, the Church, 1 John 3.1-3.

b. We are placed into the family as his own children by the Spirit of adoption, Rom. 8.15-16.

c. God becomes our Father, and Christ our brother through the Spirit’s working, cf. Gal. 4.5; Eph. 1.5; Rom. 8.23, 9.4.

d. God places us “in Christ,” and has given us all spiritual blessings “in him,” Eph. 1.3.

II. Ten Elements of a New Beginning in Christ

The first series of MTB is entitled New Beginnings in Christ , and the Scripture memorization is designed to help you under stand the first truths and steps of being a disciple of Christ. Even if you have been a Christian for a while, these truths can re-establish you in the foundations of the faith, and ensure that you are on a path to full maturity in the faith.

A. Element 1: OT Plan of Salvation

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