Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
1 2 H o w t o S e l e c t Y o u r I n s t i t u t e ’ s C u r r i c u l u m
recognize it as one of our Certificate programs.
Please note: While The Urban Ministry Institute offers various programs to cover what we believe represent the core areas of urban theological education, we encourage you to offer programs or certificates related to unique ministry fields, experiences of your faculty, or the various training internships you provide locally (e.g., Certificate in Urban Youth Ministry , etc.). Your only limit will be the expertise of the faculty that God raises up, the resources you obtain and provide your students, and the length and breadth of your imagination. Be open to meeting the real needs of your students. Seek to innovate as you design training experiences and courses which address directly the pressing needs of your students, their churches, and the communities they serve. We have included a sample syllabus (see Appendix 16.5). Please feel free to use any or all of it in creating your own syllabus for your courses.
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