Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
1 4 O u r C e r t i f i c a t e a n d D i p l o m a P r o g r a m O p t i o n s
their ministry responsibilities. Again, in order to give you maximum flexibility in arranging your program, we encourage you to select the curriculum resources that best address the interests of your students. Your qualified instructors may teach courses in Biblical Studies, Theology and Ethics, Christian Ministry and Urban Mission, as well as intersperse them with our curricula (see the samples on the following page). Please retain the balance of 8 credit hours per department area and at least 50% of our TUMI courses for this diploma. What is of utmost importance is that you design a program that addresses and strengthens the vision, issues, and needs of your students.
We strongly encourage each satellite to recognize the students faithful accomplish-ment of their certificate and diploma programs in the form of a graduation ceremony and service.
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