Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t
set, DVD player, CD player, overhead projector, and dry erase board. Also, your office should have access to a computer with appropriate word processing software, and to the Internet. Make certain that your satellite office has a phone number, fax, and e-mail mailing address. Acquire any other appropriate office items, including supplies and furniture (see Appendix 7 for complete list and pricing estimates). 7. Develop site administrative structures. Your Institute’s activities will not only involve training and equipping leaders but also administrating programs and keeping records. Make certain that you receive our Satellite Administration Resource CD with its forms, digital files, and other materials you will need to create student files, keep track of grades, and monitor student accounts. Create a schedule for your course offerings, and plan an annual budget based on your student and course projection for the year. Be sure to clarify policies needed to run your office. (Reference Appendices 15, 17, 18, and 21.3). 8. Recruit, orient, and supervise your mentors, adjunct faculty, staff, and volunteers. Nothing is as critical in this process of establishing your Institute as recruiting the right people to equip your emerging leaders. Pray specifically over individuals you should solicit, and arrange meetings to designate who will teach what courses, when, where, and how. Be clear in what you expect from and what you will offer your teachers, and trust that God will use the appropriate persons as he leads (see Appendix 16). 9. Recruit, interview, and admit prospective students. Above all else, our students are our raison d’etre (i.e., reason for being). Draft a proposal to promote your Institute locally among churches, through the media, and through your neighborhood. Announce clearly the criteria for entrance, and make certain that you do not limit your pool too much, while maintaining the highest standards for entrance into your Institute. Accept students not so much on the basis of their ability to pay or their academic performance, but on their commitment to Christ, the Kingdom, and his body. Have each student complete the application process, and review each with a committee which selects those who are most able to benefit from the programs you will offer (please refer to Appendices 18 and 22 for further details). 10. Choose the appropriate curriculum and course programming for your Institute. On the one hand, we want to make it as easy as possible to access our training materials. On the other hand, we want you to feel the freedom to take
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