Represent Retreat Book
He would later go on to lay the foundation of the early church. In Peter, we see ourselves. We identify with his humanness. We empathize with him when he denied Christ on the eve of his crucifixion because we too have denied Jesus. Like Peter, we receive comfort and restoration from the Savior when we mess up. By the grace of God, we see Peter become “the rock” Jesus said he would become. By the time we catch up with him in the book of Acts, he is no longer concerned with personal glory and a savior who would sit on an earthly throne. We see a man who preaches Christ above all else. He is Kingdom-minded and his words and actions reflect that. The transformation we witness in Peter is a direct result of his close relationship with Jesus. In a world where self-promotion is not only commonplace but expected, we see a vastly different model in the Apostle Peter. He did not have a shining resumé full of personal accomplishments. He was an uneducated fisherman, but his ministry was not about himself or his position, it was always about Christ—even unto his death. We have the honor and privilege of representing our Lord Jesus Christ in our homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. Like Peter, let us humbly serve as ambassadors of the King of Kings. “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing…Who is sufficient for these things? For we are not like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men [and women] of sincerity, as commissioned by God…” 2 Corinthians 2.15, 16b-17.
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