The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 2: The Time Before Time • 69
“If all three are God, then what do you say when somebody accuses you of worshiping three gods?” Preacher said nothing, then Father Greg tried a different approach. “You do remember, Edward, how Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize in name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit?” “That’s the Great Commission,” said Preacher. “Precisely,” said Father Greg, “but the first disciples were Jews, right?” he asked. Preacher agreed. “And being Jews” he continued, “they believed that the Lord our God the Lord is One , as we read in Deuteronomy 6:4. But as Christians they also worshipped Jesus and the Holy Spirit too. The problem was, how could they worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, while saying that God is one? “What’s the answer?” asked Preacher. “Well,” he continued, “the Church Fathers gave many answers.” “Like what?” replied Preacher, curious. “Like, that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were the Word and Wisdom of God—his two hands.” “Hmm,” Preacher scratched his head, “I like that.” “Yes, although it doesn’t tell us very much,” Father Greg admitted, “but, perhaps, the ancient witnesses can help us?”
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