The Kingdom of God, Student Workbook, SW02

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Christ and the Scriptures, and are maintaining a “close walk” with God, then everything is fine. Or is it?

Taking Things a Little Too Far

What do you make of the current teaching of the “health-wealth” gospel? This teaching, to be overly simplistic, emphasizes that because a Christian has come under the government and authority of Almighty God, that there now exists no need for the believer to be sick, to lack, or to be broke. The heart of this, according to this doctrine, is rooted in the authority of the Christian. When Jesus ascended into heaven, the claim is made that because Jesus possessed all authority, and because he turned that authority over to his people, the Church, then the Church can exercise dominion directly over the devil, and thwart his intentions to harm or hurt the Church. As a matter of fact, some who hold to this doctrine believe that if you are sick or broke or experiencing defeat, it is your fault alone. God has given the grace, and all you need do is affirm it. Is this right on the money or is it taking things a little too far?


What Model Works Best?

One of the most conflicting and problematic issues throughout Church history can be placed in a question form: What should the Church’s relationship with the world be? How ought we to think of Church-world relationships? Is it good language to talk about the Church storming the gates of hell, or should the Church come out from among and be separate? Frankly speaking, what is the best model of understanding the relationship of the Church to the world – should the Church seek to transform the world, should the Church withdraw from the world, or should the Church live in tension with the world in some way?

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