The Pursuit of God



Tozer offered hope then, and he still creates hope now: that if we are willing to seek God himself with our whole hearts, and esteem him more highly than anything else, and seek his will above all our personal ambitions, our souls will be revitalized and we will tap into the true wellspring of genuine spiritual life once again. Third, and finally, Tozer reminds us that vibrant Christianity is about more than simply believing right doctrines and practicing right behaviors, important though both of these are. There must also be a relational dimension to the Christian life, an aspect of real meeting with the living God. Nothing less is sufficient to sustain a living faith over the long term, and nothing less will satisfy the longings of a spiritually exhausted world. Echoing the spiritual giant Augustine, and a great cloud of witnesses ever since, Tozer shares with us his own discovery of the exquisitely satisfying experience of beholding God’s magnificent splendor and beauty in adoration and delight. In the end, we were meant to live our earthly lives with hearts fully satisfied by God alone. He alone will never disappoint. Perhaps our most significant takeaway from The Pursuit of God will not be any one piece of information that Tozer has shared with us here. Perhaps, instead, it will be the “holy envy” he has stirred up within us as readers. If he has lighted a fire of desire in any of us for what he experienced of God, his mission will have been accomplished. May it be so.

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