The Pursuit of God


The Pursuit of God

Holy Spirit to confirm to our hearts which specific insights should be permanently incorporated into who we are becoming. The takeaways from a little classic like this will not be the same for every reader. The Holy Spirit always takes into account our individuality, and the uniqueness of our current life situation, in shaping his personal communication to us. While fully acknowledging this, let me conclude by inviting you to consider three overarching truths that come through loud and clear in The Pursuit of God and in the life of its author. The first is that God can use people in very effective ways despite their lack of formal education or formal theological training. Such deficiencies are not insurmountable obstacles to usefulness for the Lord’s humble servants who have been gifted with a lifelong passion to learn, who choose their mentors wisely, and who have an insatiable desire to know and love God with all of their hearts. God reached down and touched the heart of a teenager with limited education working in a rubber factory, and used him to influence the lives of thousands for good. God did it with Tozer, and he can do it again. Some might even argue that this is his signature way of building his church and advancing his kingdom. The second is that Tozer’s criticism of the conservative evangelical church back in the 1940s is, if anything, even more valid today than it was back then. He charged that in its worldly busyness, and its copycatting of the way the secular world does life, it had grown largely disconnected from the presence of God. The contemporary church scene is awash in spiritual zombies, and is dying from within.

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