The Pursuit of God

Resources for Application


Quietism – A stream of Christian spirituality which emphasizes being still, passive, and quiet before God in order to allow God to take the lead and direct every aspect of one’s life. Raja – Royal title similar to “king” or “prince” used in South and Southeast Asia. Ravishing – Ecstatic, overwhelming. Reckon – To count on. Renunciation – The act of decisively relinquishing or giving away. Rutherford, Samuel (1600–1661) – A Scottish Puritan. Sentient – Sensing, feeling. Servile – Groveling. Showbread – Freshly baked sacred bread. Spinoza, Benedict de (1632–1677) – Highly rationalistic European philosopher who elaborated on such purely intellectual knowledge of God in chapter five of his Ethics (1677). Striving – Effort, endeavor. Summum bonum – Latin phrase meaning “supreme good.” Tempers – Temperaments or dispositions. Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471) – Author of the medieval spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ . Ubiquity – The state of being everywhere present.

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