Represent Retreat Book

• The Holy Spirit falls on the Gentile Cornelius and his household when Peter comes and proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter’s experience opens the door for Gentiles everywhere to come into the church. (Acts 10.34–48) • In each of these instances, Peter openly says that he is acting as a representative of God in the name of Jesus. (Acts 2.38, 4.19, 10.28)

b. Peter’s Pit – “Get behind me, Satan!”

i. As soon as Jesus begins to speak about the cross, Peter takes him aside and rebukes him. ii. Jesus responds loudly so that all the disciples can hear, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” (Mark 8.33) iii. The Point : Peter is in his pit when he represents himself by speaking out of his own flesh.

Some illustrations of this point from the Gospels: • That Sinking Feeling : In great faith, Peter steps out of a boat and begins to walk on water toward Jesus. However, as soon as he looks around and sees the wind and waves, his faith fails. Thinking now of his own strength and safety, he begins to sink. (Matthew 14.28–31)


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