Represent Retreat Book

• Body Wash : On his last night with his disciples, Jesus washes each of their feet. Peter tries to prevent Jesus from washing his feet. Jesus tells Peter that if he does not wash his feet, Peter has no share with Christ. Peter then swings to the other extreme and asks for a full body wash. Jesus again corrects him and says that he only needs the feet washed. Peter’s responses, while understandable, both completely miss the point of what Jesus is doing. (John 13.6–10) • Give Me an Ear : When Judas brought a band of soldiers to arrest Jesus, Peter musters his strength and comes to Jesus’ rescue by cutting off one of their ears. Jesus rebukes Peter and heals the man’s ear. (John 18.10–11) • In each of these examples, Peter clearly speaks from his flesh and acts in his own strength. In other words, he is representing himself.

2. Jesus Clears Up Any Confusion (Mark 8.34–38)

a. After rebuking Peter, Jesus says that following him means denying oneself. (8.34) b. He says that in order to be his follower one must be willing to lose their own life for the sake of Christ and the Gospel. (8.35) c. Jesus condemns any who are ashamed of him and his words. (8.38) d. The Point : Following Jesus means dying to ourselves, and shamelessly representing Christ.


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