Represent Retreat Book

How Peter Got His “Represent” Back

1. Peter’s Literal “Come to Jesus” Meeting (John 21.1–19) a. When Jesus was being tried before his crucifixion, Peter denied even knowing him three times (John 18.15–27). b. During the 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus appeared to his disciples at various times. c. On morning, after a long night of fishing when the disciples have caught nothing, a stranger appears on the shore. He tells them to put the nets down on the other side of the boat and they catch an enormous haul of 153 fish. d. Peter realizes that it is Jesus on the shore. He dives out of the boat and swims to greet him. e. While they are eating breakfast, Jesus asks Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” (21.15). Jesus asks the question three times, and Peter is grieved (21.17). Peter understands that this is about his three denials of Jesus (John 18.15– 27).

This story is full of reminders from earlier events in Peter’s life: • A miraculous catch of fish recalls the time Jesus declared that Peter would be a “fisher of men.” (Luke 5.1–11)


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