Represent Retreat Book

• At breakfast Jesus takes the bread and gives it to them, recalling the last supper with his disciples. (Luke 22.19) At this supper, Peter had declared his loyalty to Jesus saying he was ready to die for him. (John 13.36–38) • Jesus’ threefold question reflects Peter’s three denials of even knowing Jesus. (John 18.15–27) • The call to “Follow me” (John 21.19, 22) reflects again both the story about becoming fishers of men (see Matthew 4.19) and Jesus words after Peter’s declaration “You are the Christ.” (Mark 8.34) • Each of these reminders point to the fact that Jesus is calling Peter afresh to represent him.

2. The Fisherman Becomes a Shepherd (21.15–19)

a. After each time that Jesus asks Peter “Do you love me?” Peter responds “Yes Lord, you know I love you.” (21.15, 16, 17) b. Each time Jesus follows this with a call to shepherd God’s people: “Tend my lambs”…“Feed my sheep”…“Feed my lambs.” (21.15, 16, 17) c. Jesus gives Peter authority to represent him as shepherd of his sheep. d. Jesus emphasizes each time that they are “my sheep.” They are not Peter’s sheep. He represents “the chief Shepherd” so that he can “receive the unfading crown of glory.” (1 Peter 5.4)


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